Payless ShoeSource

Sam! You have to know! I have a very annoying day! It started when I wanted to bought a new pair of shoes, I came into the store, and I really love this shoes, then I ask the salesman to get one for me. I'm waiting and waiting... but it takes too long, longer than I'm waiting for my prince charming to come, and when he comes, the salesman I mean, he came with bad news. He says that my size is nowhere to be found! Hm..... First of all, it takes longer than you waiting for your prince charming? Has you met your prince charming? Second of all, I think you being over dramatic, nowhere to be found? Are we still talking about shoes or your prince charming? Hei! Be nice to me! I just spent three hours searching for new pair of shoes for Lunar Year! Sorry then, I'm just pulling your leg. Mm, have you ever tried payless yet? No, never heard of. What's the difference with other shoe store? First of all, the store has been set based on size of shoes. One shelf on one siz...