
Showing posts from July, 2016

Pokemon Go: Cara main, Fun Fact, Review.

Hi Guys! source: Ada yg main Pokemon Go disini? Tunjuk tangan! Buat yg belom main, atau yg penasaran tapi gak mau main, nih gw kasih tau CARA MAINNYA . Ini gw: source: screenshot di hp gw. Image malam hari. Kebetulan gw mainnya pas malem. Kalo malem suasananya jadi gelap, kalo siang jadi terang. How awesome is that ? Dalem sehari gw bisa sampe level 5 dan gak butuh waktu yg lama. Caranya? Gw cukup nangkep pokemon apapun yg gw temuin di daerah gw tanpa milih. Dalam sekejap gw sampe di level 5. Banyak yg sering ngeluh pokemonnya suka gak ada, sebenernya cukup diem aja, pantengin layar, nanti pokemonnya bakal dateng kok dengan sendirinya. Oh iya, tiap daerah, beda juga pokemonnya. Jadi, jangan heran kalo di derah rumah lo dan di daerah rumah doi beda jenis pokemonnya. Gimana cara nangkep pokemonnya? It's easy . cukup dengan slide pokeball yg ada di tangan kita ke arah pokemonnya. Tapi hati-hati, karena jumlah pokeball yg kita punya ter...

Mail: Relationship - My Ex Dating Another Version of Me.

Hi Guys! Welcome back to my Blog! I just I got an email (Well, I just read it, sorry) from someone who rather be called as "Chocolate" instead of her real name. It says: Dear Sam, I was date with a guy for three years. It was on and off relationships. After a year my ex broke up with me, he decided to "move on" and date with another girl. Funny story, cause his new girlfriend is another version of me. I stalk her instagram and twitter (Guilty), she look just like me and I already confirm to my friends and they agree that this girl look-a-like like me. Also, she practically me. We have many of the same hobbies. Is he completely move on? or just "move on" Btw, I'm totally have no feeling to him anymore, just curious. Love, Chocolate. Hi, Chocolate! Thank you for your email, I apologize to be so late to answer you. Well, I'm not such an expert on relationship, but I'll do my best. Here's the thing, this might be hurt you a li...