Messy Room Equals Messy Life

gambar 1: Messy Room. Source:

Messy room equals messy life. Is that right?
Well, it depends on, if you spend most of your time at your room, then it is right. But if you spend most of your time at your home, at kitchen, living room, your room, etc, and it mess, then your life also mess.

It have correlation, you know, if your life get messy, for example like you have fight with your boy or struggling with something in your life then you don't have much time to cleaning up your room. (We assume room if where we spend most of our time). You sleep there, eat there, doing homework there, do your hair in there and God-knows-what you doing in there. Are you even cleaning your mess after you eat? Or when you wake up, are you even cleaning your bed? The answer is NO! Well, maybe your mom help you cleaning it or maybe your house maid do it for you. But is it really clean and neat? I don't think so.

So, the thing is, I have a theory why you are not cleaning it. It because you are too busy struggling with your problem and you forget about your environment.

You have problem -> you still doing what you are doing -> you forget to cleaning you room -> it become messy, for your problem, your life, your mind and even your room.
Why you asking? Because when you have a problem, you find a way to working it out and in the process you looking at your messy room. Add that up.

And that's why my friend, your room get messy because you have a problem.

The other theory I had is... When you are enjoying your life too much, you forget to clean everything suddenly you have a problem and you struggling so hard, you don't even have time to cleaning that up and when you trying to make it right, you can't think clear because what you look is a mess.
You enjoying your life too much-> forget to cleaning up your room -> your room get messy -> you have problem -> your room get messier than ever because you have a problem and don't have much time to manage it -> you trying to find solution for your problem -> you looking at your room and it's a mess -> your head spinning around and it get ugly for your mind, your life and your room.

And that's why when your room is messy, you can't think clear and it make your life also messy just like your room.

What I have to do about it?
I'm glad you ask!

For prevention, you could cleaning up your room when you got a chance. So whenever you have a problem, at least it will least messy than your problem.

If you have a problem and your room is already messy, I can offer three simple solution to do.
First, find another place to thinking and it should be neat, fresh and clean.
Second, give some of your time and anger energy to cleaning your room, change your room position order if you have to.
Third, talk to someone about your problem over and over again, if you have to talk about it to your teddy bear, write that down, made chart, draw it,  until you know what you are dealing with, you know what's really happening and maybe you know why it happens.

You could do one of the three solution that I'm offering or you could do three of them. Just remember, you don't have much time. Make it quick, do it right. sometimes, you are not doing the right thing, but remember to do the things right.

Own it, Live it, Love it. Hug, Love and Kisses, Sam.


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