Movie: (Class Rank, Dismissed, Nerve, Personal Shopper, and How To Be Single)

Buat ngisi waktu luang, enaknya nonton apa ya...?

This movie "look alike" with Dismissed, but it tell in the other point of view.

Duration: 101 menit
Box Office: 10,452
Rotten Tomatoes: 85% dan 64%
IMDb: 6,4

Another Netflix movie! I'm so exited at the beginning, it's like "disturbing" movie at the end, but when it start, it's not so.. I'm kinda disappointed and seeing through the movie at the beginning. It's kinda nice if it's more like have a mystery hint and more like twisting, or horror, or maybe it's just me wanting so much.

Duration: 97 menit
Budget: unknown
Rotten Tomatoes: N/A dan 51%
IMDb: 5.9

How far would you go just for truth or dare on internet?

Duration: 96 menit
Budget: $ 19 million
Box Office: $ 85.2 million
Rotten Tomatoes: 67% dan 66%
IMDb: 6.6

Gw gak gitu suka Stewart, tapi di film ini bagus aktingnya.

Duration: 106 menit
Budget: $ 1 million
Box Office: $ 2.2 million
Rotten Tomatoes: 79% dan 52%
IMDb: 6.2

Duration: 110 minutes
Budget: $ 38 million
Box Office: $ 112.3 million
Rotten Tomatoes: 46% dan 47%
IMDb: 6.1

Own it, live it, love it.
Hug, love, and kisses.


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