The Sims Mobile - The Perfect Fit Event

Usually The Sims Mobile gave you an item if you completing an event. But it's different this time. They gave us preppy ponytail (for female), a set of track suit (for female), and hoodie (for male). In the spirit of perfect fit, I look up online for the walk through, and share it with you (even though it's late).

I find this quest quite too hard on me, like I have to checking up on my phone over and over again, even though not as hard as dance career quest.

For this quest, They gave you 7 days to "trigger" it and once it active, you have 4 days to complete the quest and get the prize.

Is the prize worth for doing?
Let's find out!

(man pants not included).

So,,, What do you think about it?

Own it, live it, love it,
Hug, love, and kisses,


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